
Showing posts from April, 2019

Prologue - the birth of Squadron: Birmingham

Squadron: Birmingham - origins There have always been costumed crimefighters and so-called "Superheroes". A case is often made that Robin Hood fits into the category. But a defining moment in the definition and development of The Superhero in the UK, and, specifically, Birmingham came in 1984 following the so-called "Massacre on the Stratford Road" - one of the most shocking events ever to take place in this country. Though the event itself took place in April of 1984, full details - sketchy as they are - didn't emerge until November of that year when Sir Rupert Evers forced his peers into calling an Inquest into the death of his son - St John Evers. The final verdict was misadventure. St John Evers - well known for his unsuccessful forays into extreme sports, adventuring and expeditions to unknown regions - had apparently decided to try his hand as a Superpowered vigilante. Hiring a renegade scientist to built him a cyber weapon and suit of pow...


This blog will recount the events of a Squadron UK campaign referees by Simon Burley are the Birmingham Central Role-Players club from April onwards 2019. It is based upon the Squadron: Birmingham campaign included in the rulebook and - therefore - contains spoilers should anyone wish to play in that campaign.