
Exit Wounds

Exit Wounds With yet another defeat wrought from the jaws of victory, the Heroes looked around their recent battleground. Checking their fallen foes they found that, luckily, none of the brainwashed or misinformed Police Officers present had been killed in the crossfire. In fact, the only opponents who had been permanently dispatched were The Eternal Cossack (nee Warrior) and Cyberlord (nee Toymaster). Everyone agreed that the death of The Cossack was a clear case of self defence and that Cyberlord’s death was sad but unintentional. (If anyone had seen that Electro was the first to check the body, they said nothing.) The Police officers were awoken, told the Heroes’ side of events and urged to leave with their injured comrades. They fled in fear. The unconscious bodies of the fallen villains were piled into their own SquadJet - just as soon as Magnetron had disabled its traps and self destructs and over-ridden its controls. But there was nothing anyone could do to avoid th...

It isn’t about winning... it’s being SEEN to win

Still on the run, the group decided to try and lure their enemies into a trap. Contacting BISCUIT, they arranged to “tell their side of the story” and arranged a meet in public place - Cannon Hill Park in Edgbaston in Birmingham. Before the meet, Steel Reign submerged himself in the nearby boating pool ready for an ambush. The expected attack from Squadron: Birmingham did not materialise. (An aside: Deacon, as always, was keeping out of sight. He was the only member of the heroes’ group whose powers defied analysis and could not be planned for.  Sq:B - who had the heroes under observation using Stockade’s* invisible drones - were under instructions from PsiClone not to attack or reveal themselves in any way until Deacon appeared. And then, when he did, to prioritise him with all of their attacks - shooting to kill. After all, they’d already marooned him on an airless space station miles above the Earth and he’d somehow survived! *Dr Darren G. Stockade - the invisible man - ha...


Firefall As the group ditched the ambulance and switched to a parked people carrier - stealing cars was the least of the concerns right now -Magnatron spoke: “I’ve had an idea. Shouldn’t we check him for a tracking device?” Electro scanned PsiClone’s comatose form. She detected five energy signatures - two in his clothes, one on the hospital identity bracelet and two implanted sub-dermally. She burnt out all five - the two subdermal ones causing even more damage on the old man’s ravaged form. Magnatron cried out. He’d had plans for those trackers.  Steel Reign’s driving skills got the team back to their current hideout without being followed, apparently. At the warehouse, they were able to arouse the comatose old man they’d rescued and their worst fears were confirmed. The broken emaciated figure did contain the Psyche of Miasma. She was clearly shaken by what had happened to her, what had befallen her team-mates and the weakened body in which she found her...

Personae non grata

Personae non grata Having escaped from their underground interment, the team recovered and recouped at Alma McMartin’s hidden cottage in the Lickey Hills country park. Those that had felt the touch of the Homuculi’s strange radiation felt themselves changing. Driven by feelings of failure and despair, Agony Aunt injected herself with serum after serum gleaned from every strange creature she’d encountered, becoming incredibly strong and monstrous to look at. Strolling the hills, she came across Alma, weeping. In a conversation she found out that Alma was slightly psychic and she’d felt to the hills to escape the pressure of people’s thoughts. That’s how she knew the Heroes were still good despite the reports on the news media. But the suffering they’d been through, and the darkness she could feel growling in more than one, was wearing on her and she’d begun to self harm just to drive their thoughts away. Though her house seemed safe, Agony Aunt said they had to leave. Alma ...

Interlude - Agony

Agony aunt is hunched over in a corner, dirty, hair in disarray. In one hand, a syringe, the other making a fist as she injects her latest serum. The floor is littered with vials, labels varying from neat, doctoral writing to hasty scrawls – Slink, Tyrannosaurus Rex, homunculi. Her arm muscles stand out, grossly inflated and covered in sickly green and purple veins, spreading from the injection site once the junkie-eqsue tourniquet is released. Her knuckles are bloody, a mirror lays smashed in the background – she fears what she has become but aren’t heroes meant to make sacrifices? She stands. Tech Knight her hero, dead. Dynamo, dead. The people she sought to inspire, gone. Warrior, their killer is alive, because of her actions. No good deed goes unpunished. Under the watchful gaze of the homunculi eye on the shelf, she realises – she has become just like them, once human, now a monster in the eyes of the world.


Descents Techknight and Deacon secured SkyLord's orbiting fortress. Along with the army of robots, it also contained enough animal and plant DNA sample to allow anyone with sufficient wit to repopulate a decimated planet. Techknight installed safeguards to ensure no-one without the appropriate level of access (ie. Sq:B) could activate the space station's systems. Deacon ensured that the station was in geosynchronous orbit over the UK and then secretly patched the errors in Techknight's programming. A Squad-Jet docked, piloted by Miasma. She mused that she couldn't wait for the new recruits to be fully trained to pilot the team's jets. It was getting wearing to have to cover all the required tasks with just three members. She asked Deacon to mind the store and took Techknight away to perform to essential duties on Earth. Deacon would be relieved as soon as his team-mates had finished searching for Slink. Deacon did another tour of the station. He noticed a sl...

Crushing disappointment

Crushing Disappointment Having secured Skylord’s Space Station and its army of robots, the team needed to return to Earth to stop Slink from releasing all of the criminals - empowered and otherwise - from Winson Green prison. Leaving Techknight and Deacon to secure the facility, they flew down to find Warrior waiting for them. He congratulated them on their recent successes - especially the way they’d suckered Techknight into taking the first wave of attacks. He assured them they’d not find him such a patsy. As a group they approached the prison. Their Sq:B ID got them in, and Frostorm and Firefly were duly incarcerated. Electro, Agony Aunt and Warrior went to see the Governor whilst Magnetron and Steel Reign went to check the prison’s secret back-up generators. (Magnetron had discovered them during his computer research.) as expected, they had been located and booby trapped by the villain’s. The first booby trap was so cunningly low if that it defeated the high tech heroe...